Books for Sale


The Historical Society of Harford County, Inc.
Partial list, with samples, of books available
FOR SALE at 143 North Main Street, Bel Air, MD

(click title for sample)
An Entertaining CookbookUnzelmann and Society Membership
(no discount for members)
African Americans in Harford County, Maryland 1774-1864 (CD only)Peden$24.95
The Lofty Barn — A Farmer’s CastleShagena and Peden$39.95
Timber Bridges, Covered and UnCoveredShagena and Peden$35.00
Under The Spreading Chestnut Tree … Blacksmithing in AmericaPeden and Shagena$19.95
Churches: An Illustrated HistoryPeden and Shagena with contributions by Wollon$50.00
Spring Houses: Cool Countryside Rustic RelicsPeden and ShagenaSOLD
Mills: Saw, Grist, Bone, Flint, Fulling … and MoreShagena, Peden and McGrain$49.95
Dave DeRan: The Nature of His ArtShagena$30.00
Eden Mill: An Illustrated HistoryShagena with Appendix by Washburn$14.95
Harford Glen: An Outdoor Classroom and PreserveShagena$15.85
Jerusalem Mill: A Preserved Mill VillageShagena$14.75
Rock Run Mill in The Land of PromiseShagena$14.95


All items subject to 6% Maryland State tax. HSHC Members received a 10% discount.